Sunday, March 9, 2003

March 9, 2003: We Murder Millions

Last Friday night I heard a preacher say that the two worst evils in our nation today were racism and materialism.

He was wrong. I don't know what our second greatest sin is, but the greatest is abortion. If our nation were a house, then racism, bad as it is, would be like a leaky faucet compared to the 10-ton abortion elephant stomping about the living room. We'd rather not think about this, but the simple, brutal fact is that our nation has, over the last few decades, mass-murdered tens of millions of innocents. Add up the number, and you will find that Stalin starved fewer Russians and Hitler gassed fewer Jews.

If you were to ask a German pastor in the early 1940s what he thought was Germany's greatest crime, and he answered anything other than, "We're slaughtering millions," then you would have to regard him as hideously misguided and in need of serious correction. So I regard “in need of serious correction" all Christians who do not yet understand that murdering babies is wrong - and more than merely "wrong", it is our nation's all-consuming holocaust. Those who do not take a vigorous, principled stand against it are no better than the quiet German townspeople who did nothing while trainloads of Jews were carted off to the ovens.

In a couple weeks we'll have a guest speaker from the CareFirst Pregnancy Centers tell us about the good work their organization does in saving lives from abortionist death mongers, and in saving mothers from becoming active participants in their babies' destruction. I encourage you to learn about and support this work. Once again I'll be going on the "Hike for Life" in May to help raise support. I hope to do more. Join me in praying against abortion and fighting it on all fronts.

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